Monday 17 June 2013

Hypnotherapy in the Royal Family

It has been all over the newspapers and magazines that Duchess Catherine aka Kate Middleton will be undertaking hypnotherapy during her water birth.

Amongst everyone cooing over when she is due or if the baby is going to be a girl or a boy; the fact that Kate is choosing to use hypnotherapy is getting quite a lot of press also. It has been said that Kate has been researching different methods of child birth and wants it to be natural. By listening to Hypno CD's to prepare herself the Duchess is very excited for the day.

If you want to read more about this story click here
Note the information of this article was based on the content provided by the media

If you are interested in hypnotherapy or would like to ask some questions feel free to contact me on my email or visit my website

Sheila x

Tuesday 11 June 2013

The HypnoThoughts Live Event

Yesterday I flew out to Las Vegas for an upcoming Hypnotherapy event, HypnoThoughts Live. During the event there will be a wide range of Hypnotherapist speakers specialising in different areas, and I am one of them.

So when is this event? 

If you're not in Las Vegas in the following couple of days then unfortunately you're missing out. HypnoThoughts Live is taking place on Friday 14th June at the Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.

Why should you attend?
"Why are we doing this? We love hypnosis too. We want to bring you more educational opportunities. Most of all, it's fun to meet friends who share this in common. the presenters are great and the information we can share is going to be wonderful, but this weekend isn;t about your clients; it's about you. Will you learn things to help build your practice? Of course. Will you get new perspectives so that you can help more people? Absolutely."
This quote was taken from the official page of HypnoThoughts Live, if you want more information on this part click here.

So if you are interested in attending this amazing event this week, check out more of the information on their website: 

Thats all for now and i'd hope to see you there

