What is the aim of Lifestyle Engineering?
To improve lifestyles by changing the thought processes that creates barriers to health and well-being; to help individuals achieve their goals and lead better lives through unique education, mind management and relaxation techniques, professionally tailored to meet the needs of the client.
The Lifestyle Engineering courses are drawing closer in North America so I've been very busy this week packing my bags. Recently I have been working hard at expanding my Lifestyle Engineering courses out of the UK. By branching out to the US, I am able to teach these skills to a larger amount of people.
I will be spending the first few days after arriving to America in Michigan where the first of the three courses will take place. I will then be travelling to Detroit then to North Carolina. The five-day Lifestyle Engineering module will be taking place in each state.
For more information about the Lifestyle Engineering course, or if you want to book your tickets follow the link here
I hope to see you all there