I have just read an interesting article on Internet addiction by hypnotist Bob Walsh. In the article Bob poses a series of questions for the reader to establish whether they have the symptoms. Here are the questions & to read the full article Click Here.
How To Tell If You Have IAD
A simple way to figure out whether you have an online addiction is to answer a couple of questions truthfully.
Do you often stay online longer than you planned to stay online originally?
Do you sometimes feel down, depressed or moody when you are "offline", and use the internet to change your emotional state?
Do you often thing about online experiences, even when you are not in front of a computer or other device that you use to connect to the internet?
Are you sometimes uncomfortable when you talk to others about how much time you spend online, and what you do online?
Do other people sometimes complain about the amount of time you spend online?
Do you sometimes neglect household chores because you are "too busy" and have too many things to do online?
If you answered more than one of these questions positively, there is a high probability that you might be a IAD candidate.
If you think you may have an addiction whether it be with the above or anything at all, hypnosis can be a valuable treatment. For a free 30 minute consultation please contact me.
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