Monday, 26 July 2010
Treating IBS Children with Hypnotherapy
Tel: (01482) 863659
Hypnosis for a Better Life

There are instances when a person’s malady or neurotic disorder cannot be rid of by conventional medicine, no matter how progressive or modern the treatment processes are. Despair might envelop a patient suffering from a long-standing disorder. He or she might be more open to try other methods of treatment, even unconventional ones. Click Here to read more and find out how hypnosis can help.
Friday, 23 July 2010
BBC Radio 5 Live

Sheila is on BBC Radio 5 Live today along with client Ozzy to talk about the phenomenal success of the Virtual Gastric Band Click Here to listen on the BBC iPlayer
Monday, 19 July 2010
"Hypnosis is Real"
The leader of the study at Hull University Dr. William McGeown has said, "This shows that the changes were due to hypnosis and not just simple relaxation. Our study shows hypnosis is real."

A disturbing dream can cause a strong negative emotional response from the sleeper. The dream may contain situations of danger, discomfort, or psychological or physical distress. Sufferers are usually woken in a state of distress, and might be to frightened to return to sleep.
Nightmares can be caused physically, such as sleeping in an uncomfortable or awkward position, or having a fever; and psychological causes, such as stress or anxiety.
Occasional nightmares are commonplace, but recurrent nightmares can interfere with sleeping patterns and cause insomnia, and may require help. If you suffer from Nightmares or a disturbing recurring dream then hypnosis could put an end to your sleepless nights.
Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Symptoms of Menopause Relieved with Hypnotherapy
The menopause is a consequence of the female reproductive system that 85% – 90% of women are likely to experience. Those in the other five percent happen to be extremely lucky as they are narrowly missing the troublesome symptoms with which the menopause comes hand in hand.
Hot flushes, sweats, sleeplessness, headaches and moodiness are to name but a few of the side effects and though Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a route that many women take to reduce symptoms, hypnotherapy is a far more natural option that should be considered.
Hypnotherapy operates on both a conscious and unconscious level so is an excellent tool for providing beneficial mind, body treatment. Some common examples of symptoms which see an improvement using hypnotherapy include hot flushers, shivers, sweats, loss of libido, sleeplessness, dry skin, joint pain, headaches, mood swings, weight and muscle pain.
To read more on this topic please Click Here

Gambling addiction is on the increase and the easy access of online gambling sites have seen an increase in the problem.
If you or someone you know is addicted to gambling and is in need of help then hypnosis could be the answer. Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Hypnosis Cures Fear of Doctors

Therapy Lounge recently reported on a school girl who is using hypnotherapy to battle a rare condition which makes her faint whenever she sees a doctor.
Jenny Carroll's bizarre phobia was triggered when she woke up during an operation and since the traumatic experience, the fourteen year old has suffered blackouts, every time she comes into contact with doctors.
Even the sight of anything medical is enough to cause Jenny to faint and she even keeled over when she saw doctors on television's Holby City. She also collapsed during a road safety lesson at school, when car accidents were discussed.To read the full article Click Here.
If your fear is getting in the way of you living a normal and happy life then please contact me for a free half-hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Monday, 12 July 2010
Anger Management
Hypnosis is a valuable form of assistance in Anger Management. Please contact me for a free half hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Smoking Ban Sees Rise in Hypnosis

As nicotine patches, gum and willpower fail to help kick the habit, smokers are seeking treatments
Metro Detroit hypnotherapists are reporting an uptick in business and inquiries from smokers grappling with a ban that has ostracized them and altered their lifestyle. To read more on the Michigan smoking ban Click Here.
Hypnosis is a valuable treatment for smoking cessation. If you need help to quit then please contact me for a free half hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Celebrities and Hypnosis

To read the article as reported in the Daily Record Click Here.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Writer's Block

Writer's block is a condition,in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task in hand. At the other extreme, some "blocked" writers have been unable to work for years on end, and some have even abandoned their careers. It can manifest as the affected writer viewing their work as inferior or unsuitable, when in fact it could be the opposite.
Writer's block may have many causes. Some are creative problems that originate within an author's work itself. A writer may run out of inspiration or be greatly distracted. Hypnosis has been proven as a valuable treatment for Writer's Block.
If you are suffering then please contact me for a free half hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Hypnosis & IVF Treatment

Couples undergoing IVF treatments are turning to hypnosis to help them to conceive.
The treatment is already popular in the US, and is now becoming more popular on an international scale. To read more please Click Here.
If you are undergoing IVF then perhaps hypnosis could compliment your treatment. Please contact me for a free half hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659
Monday, 5 July 2010
Thumb Sucking

Childhood comforts can later lead to habits in adulthood and hypnotherapy is the greatest way to rid yourself of these sometimes shameful habits.
If you or someone you know has a problem with thumb sucking please contact me for a free half-hour consultation and find out how hypnotherapy can help you.
Tel: (01482) 863659
5 Misconceptions
#1- Therapists control mental and physical reactions.
#2- Only people with weak minds can be hypnotized.
#3- Therapists are mentally gifted individuals.
#4- Psychologically bothered individuals are the ones who need it.
#5- All clients can undergo hypnotherapy sessions.
Hypnosis for a Bashful Bladder
Indeed, public toilets with their close proximity to others can sometimes have a temporary inhibiting affect on even the most confident person. To read more on this issue and to find out how hypnosis can help Click Here.
If you struggle with your bladder and find the problem debilitating then please contact me for a free half hour consultation.
Tel: (01482) 863659