Monday 12 July 2010

Smoking Ban Sees Rise in Hypnosis

The Smoking ban in the UK showed a considerable change in our social habits and the popularity of public houses. In the U.S.A, Michigan's smoking ban at bars and restaurants is spurring more smokers to turn to hypnosis to curb their cigarette consumption.

As nicotine patches, gum and willpower fail to help kick the habit, smokers are seeking treatments such as hypnotherapy and acupuncture to end an addiction that's damaging their health and now forcing them to get their cigarette fix outside eateries where smoking was once welcomed.

Metro Detroit hypnotherapists are reporting an uptick in business and inquiries from smokers grappling with a ban that has ostracized them and altered their lifestyle. To read more on the Michigan smoking ban Click Here.

Hypnosis is a valuable treatment for smoking cessation. If you need help to quit then please contact me for a free half hour consultation.

Tel: (01482) 863659
