Monday 8 July 2013

Myths and Truths about Hypnotherapy

There are so many myths about hypnotherapists having "magical powers" and how it is "bad for your health". Today I am going to point out a few myths and truths about us hypnotherapists.

Hypnotherapists have special powers
This is one of the strangest accusations I've heard about hypnotherapists. Of course we don't have special powers. Our knowledge is usually learnt through workshops and training. We also love to help and work with other people too; this actually plays a massive role in becoming a successful hypnotherapist.

Hypnotism is for the weak minded
Hypnotherapy isn't for everyone. But never the less it doesn't mean that someone who undergoes hypnotherapy is weak minded at all. Everyone is able to participate in hypnotherapy; however those who are able to relax easier, can concentrate more and think positively are known to be very easy to work with for hypnotherapists.

Once in a hypnotic trace you can get stuck and can't wake up
It is impossible to get "stuck" in a trance. Hypnosis is a very natural state to be in so it is impossible to get stuck in; you have the same chance to get stuck in hypnosis as you would getting stuck in a daydream.

You're asleep or unconscious when being hypnotised
You are fully aware of your surroundings the whole time you're in hypnosis. Everyone experiences hypnotherapy different; some might feel very light others very heavy. However you are awake and relaxed during the whole session. Normally when you enter the deep state of hypnosis your body can fall asleep but your mind will still be awake and aware.

Hypnosis is bad for your health
This couldn't be more wrong. Hypnosis allows your body to relax both your mind and body. Relaxing isn't at all bad for your health, meaning that hypnotherapy isn't either.

After the session, you will forget everything that happened
It is understandable how people can think this as you are in a deep relaxation. However as your mind is fully aware the whole time, everything that has happened will be stored in your sub-conscious mind. Allowing you never to forget anything.

If you are interested in Hypnotherapy, would like to book a session or would like to know more. Please feel free to contact me via email or visit my website.

Sheila x