Tuesday, 14 June 2011

What do Hypnotherapists do? (Daily Mirror article)

In a recent article in the Daily MirrorMiriam Stoppard wrote an article explaining exactly what Hypnotherapy is:

"Rather than putting people into a deep trance, hypnotherapy works on the theory that when you’re deeply relaxed you’re susceptible to suggestions that can help you do something positive, like giving up smoking or overcoming a phobia.
A hypnotherapist will teach you how to get into this state of deep relaxation through breathing techniques. Once there, you can use visualisation to help you achieve your aim, like flying without fear.
You need five or six sessions to help you learn these techniques."
It's good to see a major UK Newspaper explaining in the simplest of terms what we, as Hypnotherapists, are trying to achieve. In my opinion, Hypnotherapy is the safest method of losing weight on a long-term permanent basis and studies of my Virtual Gastric Band have demonstrated a 95% success rate.