Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hypnotherapy proves vital support in natural childbirth

Further to my last post, I've been featured in all about the benefits of of Hypnotherapy for birthing and especially the recent arrival I mentioned.

There is nothing magical or mystical about hypnotherapy, instead it engages the brain during a time of need when the mind needs to focus on getting through a potentially traumatic event.  It is ideal for childbirth and a couple can be hypnotised together for added support when the labour pains intensify.  I am really proud of Laura, she was able to have the delivery she had chosen and what an achievement to deliver without pain relief.

More information can be found at

As mentioned previously, I will be running birthing classes for couples to attend on Monday 15, 22 and 29 August from 7:00-8:30pm from my clinic in Beverley, East Yorkshire.  For more information please email think@sheilagranger com or call 01482 863659.