Friday, 23 December 2011

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year

It is at this time of year that we tend to reflect on the year gone by, and I am personally so very grateful to have met some very special people, both clients and Therapists who have touched and helped me in so many ways.

I owe particular thanks to the one and only New York City Hypnotist, Marc Carlin, who has helped organise some great Seminars in the States and co- authored our book ‘The Virtual Gastric Band Workbook’, Leslie McIntosh in Canada for showing me the wonderful sights of Vancouver and making it such a memorable trip and Antoine Matarasso ‘down under‘ in Australia for two amazing visits, and to all the Hypnotherapists I have met a long the way who are really making such a difference to so many peoples lives. 2011 for me can only be described as a ‘Journey’ because I seem to have made so many of them. I certainly know Manchester airport like the back of my hand!

2012 promises to be even more exciting as I continue with my personal mission to help more people to benefit from this powerful tool of ‘Hypnosis’, to raise the awareness of Hypnotherapy as a credible therapy and to make it made available to more people through the NHS in the UK.

Clinical Trials are due to commence early February as Ethical Approval is now in place, and data gathering from Therapists will begin in January. I am also pleased to announce that the Practitioner Forum will be officially opened on 5th January 2012! For those of you who signed up for this, I very much look forward to offering further support and ideas with all of you on there. Marc and I are also planning a number of Teleseminars to help you along the way.

Further Virtual Gastric Band Lectures and Seminars are already planned for the following locations, and more venues and dates will be posted on my site early in the New Year:

14th January, Oslo, Norway (Lecture)
24th to 26th February, Tampa Bay, Florida
2nd March Chester University (Lecture)
30th to 31st March, Dubai
16th to 22nd May, Hypno Expo, IMDH Conference, Daytona Beach.

Some of you may also be aware that I have been doing a considerable amount of research over the past ten months on a product that aims to improve more people’s lives through the benefits of Hypnotherapy and Lifestyle Engineering. The product is completely new and innovative and there is nothing else like it on the market at the moment, so I am quietly quite excited about it that after all these months of product testing that I finally have the finished product in my hands and am currently in talks with some well known retail giants with a view to it being sold in their outlets. In my New Year newsletter I will finally lift the shrouds of secrecy, and share it with you with an opportunity for you to also help more people.

Wishing you all a very happy, peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Sheila xx