Friday, 23 December 2011
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year
I owe particular thanks to the one and only New York City Hypnotist, Marc Carlin, who has helped organise some great Seminars in the States and co- authored our book ‘The Virtual Gastric Band Workbook’, Leslie McIntosh in Canada for showing me the wonderful sights of Vancouver and making it such a memorable trip and Antoine Matarasso ‘down under‘ in Australia for two amazing visits, and to all the Hypnotherapists I have met a long the way who are really making such a difference to so many peoples lives. 2011 for me can only be described as a ‘Journey’ because I seem to have made so many of them. I certainly know Manchester airport like the back of my hand!
2012 promises to be even more exciting as I continue with my personal mission to help more people to benefit from this powerful tool of ‘Hypnosis’, to raise the awareness of Hypnotherapy as a credible therapy and to make it made available to more people through the NHS in the UK.
Clinical Trials are due to commence early February as Ethical Approval is now in place, and data gathering from Therapists will begin in January. I am also pleased to announce that the Practitioner Forum will be officially opened on 5th January 2012! For those of you who signed up for this, I very much look forward to offering further support and ideas with all of you on there. Marc and I are also planning a number of Teleseminars to help you along the way.
Further Virtual Gastric Band Lectures and Seminars are already planned for the following locations, and more venues and dates will be posted on my site early in the New Year:
14th January, Oslo, Norway (Lecture)
24th to 26th February, Tampa Bay, Florida
2nd March Chester University (Lecture)
30th to 31st March, Dubai
16th to 22nd May, Hypno Expo, IMDH Conference, Daytona Beach.
Some of you may also be aware that I have been doing a considerable amount of research over the past ten months on a product that aims to improve more people’s lives through the benefits of Hypnotherapy and Lifestyle Engineering. The product is completely new and innovative and there is nothing else like it on the market at the moment, so I am quietly quite excited about it that after all these months of product testing that I finally have the finished product in my hands and am currently in talks with some well known retail giants with a view to it being sold in their outlets. In my New Year newsletter I will finally lift the shrouds of secrecy, and share it with you with an opportunity for you to also help more people.
Wishing you all a very happy, peaceful Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Sheila xx
Thursday, 22 December 2011
The York press - Slimmer Loses 7st with Virtual Gastric Band
"THOSE who don’t believe in mind over matter should have a chat with Selby super slimmer Sonia Kelly. Sonia, 40, claims her seven stone weight loss is down to her being hypnotised into believing she had had a gastric band fitted.
Now Sonia is halfway to her dream weight of 13 stone – and she didn’t go anywhere near a surgeon’s knife. She tried having a “virtual gastric band” fitted through hypnotherapy and 18 months later the professional carer has dropped five dress sizes."
To read the article in full CLICK HERE
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Going to University?
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Training - 5th & 6th November
I'm running another course for Clinical Hypnotherapists who wish to train to learn how to use my Virtual Gastric Band system. This will be held as follows:
The Village Hotel, Hessle/Hull
5th / 6th November.
For further details please contact - to see some video testimonials please feel free to visit:
Below is just one testimonial from someone who attended a recent workshop.
Friday, 7 October 2011
In Australia but also thinking of London .....
However whilst away, like most people, I'm always thinking of future things; one of which being The International Hypnosis Conference which is happening on the 29th & 30th October in London, where I'm due to speak along with some of the best known Hypnosis experts throughout the world.
The event is suitable for all Hypnotherapists, Hypnotists, NLP Coaches, EFT Practitioners and Other Holistic Therapists.
I've been asked to remind people that if they are interested in attending please don't leave it until the last minute in case tickets are sold out.
Therefore, please pass this onto as many people as possible who you think may be interested. The "official" details and link to their website are below:
The International Hypnosis Conference 2011
"How to TRIPLE your Success Rates, Build a Successful Practice, Attract A Steady Stream of Paying Clients, so You Can Help MORE People AND Make MORE Money!"
You CAN Grow Your Practice With The Right Skills, The Right Marketing and The Right Mindset - Even in a Deep Recession!
It's ALL within reach when you step up, keep abreast of the lastest hypnosis research, training and techniques, hone your marketing skills and commit 100% – and I'll show you how, at my all-star ‘International Hypnosis Conference' Training.
Over 20 Leading Experts from the Mysterious and Fascinating World of Hypnosis Business from Russia, USA and Europe... including Professor Albert Ignatenko, Jerry Valley, Tommy Vee,
Larry Elman (son of Dave Elman) and Valerie Austin.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
The International Hypnosis Conference 2011
I'm also fortunate that a close associate of mine (and co-author of "Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Workbook"), Marc Carlin, will also be coming over from the USA to attend the conference as well.
Find out more and book your place at:
Friday, 9 September 2011
Results and Studies for Lap Band Hypnosis
I've recently read a very good article on The Queen of Cougar Website about the benefits of my Virtual Gastric Band in America.
I've detailed a couple of paragraphs below but if you want to read the full article you can find it here.
"Shelia Granger in the U.K. has performed a study showing a 95% success rate for her lap band hypnosis procedure and the Shirran’s report indicates a 74% success rate for their GmB method in Europe.
In an independent study I conducted with 10 participants during the very difficult and challenging holiday season (usually the most difficult time to lose weight for most people) using Virtual Gastric Band therapies achieved an average weight loss of 6.5 pounds during a three week period. These results are right in line with other studies conducted in the U.S."
Monday, 5 September 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Training
Well, the seminars (or workshops) are held in order to train hypnotherapists / hypnotists how to help their clients lose weight without the need for diets or other weight loss techniques, through the benefits of hypnotherapy / hypnotism.
Here is a little taster of an event that we held in the USA recently.
Video Of Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Class by bobny
If you would like to know more about training, please contact
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Tele-Seminar with Sheila Granger & Marc Carlin
If you wish to listen / take part please find Dial-in numbers below:
For USA:
Dial - (712) 432-1600
Enter Access Code - 281358#
International Dial-in Numbers:
Austria - 0820 4000 1552
Belgium - 070 35 9974
France - 0826 100 256
Germany - 01805 00 76 09
Ireland - 0818 270 021
Italy - 848 390 156
Netherlands - 0870 001 920
Spain - 902 886025
Switzerland - 0848 560 179
UK - 0844 58 191 02
We hope you enjoy the seminar!
Thursday, 4 August 2011
NEW Hypnotherapy Website
As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Lifestyle Engineer, the work I've been doing over the last year has pulled me in so many directions that I decided that I needed to have a new focus on the services I can offer. The last 12 months have been incredibly busy with the promotion of my Virtual Gastric Band as an alternative to surgery and weight loss diets, that there have been several other things arising which hadn't received the attention they deserved.
Therefore we have decided to focus on the following areas which, when you visit my new site, are better clarified than before:
- Virtual Gastric Band; training and support
- Private Consultations
- Courses to train people to become a fully qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist
- Full details Seminar & Workshop Dates throughout the UK, North America, Australia and Europe
- Networking & Peer Support
- Innovative ground-breaking products to help people lead a better life.
I hope you will enjoy the new website which can be found at but it you have any questions I'd love to hear from you at
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
BBC Radio Humberside appearance
So tune in on 95.9FM / 1485 AM / DAB between 12.15 - 1.30pm
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Virtual Gastric Band to visit Germany
I've been fortunate enough to have been asked to speak in Germany towards the end of the year where fortunately I will have an assistant coach acting as translator for me.
It just goes to show that all over the world, people are becoming increasingly disillusioned with weight loss products and diets that just don't work. This is why the Virtual Gastric Band has been so successful and why it continues to attract interest.
The conference itself is being promoted by Trainer Masters Academy and if you live in Germany and are interested in attending, you can find out more information by clicking here.
The venue is still to be confirmed but the dates have been provisionally booked as 26th and 27th November 2011.
For details email or visit the Trainer Masters Academy Website
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Hypnotherapy proves vital support in natural childbirth
There is nothing magical or mystical about hypnotherapy, instead it engages the brain during a time of need when the mind needs to focus on getting through a potentially traumatic event. It is ideal for childbirth and a couple can be hypnotised together for added support when the labour pains intensify. I am really proud of Laura, she was able to have the delivery she had chosen and what an achievement to deliver without pain relief.
More information can be found at
As mentioned previously, I will be running birthing classes for couples to attend on Monday 15, 22 and 29 August from 7:00-8:30pm from my clinic in Beverley, East Yorkshire. For more information please email think@sheilagranger com or call 01482 863659.
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Birthing Classes Now Available
Hypnotherapy can assist in natural childbirth, above is Laura Douse with Baby Sophia. Laura gave birth naturally and with no pain relief after completing my birthing classes.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Workbook now for sale on Amazon
Although at the moment it's not available on Amazon in the UK we're working hard on it to get everything available as soon as possible.
You can find full details of the book by clicking on the following link:
The Sheila Granger Virtual Gastric Band Workbook.
Here is the synopsis of the book:
This workbook outlines the basics steps to Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Weight Loss Program. While this book shows the basic program it is best done in conjunction with the mental training that sets up an environment of freedom. The mental training aspect of this program provides the support to free the individual of the deprivation and the restrictions that most feel when they are required to follow a diet.
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
What do Hypnotherapists do? (Daily Mirror article)
Monday, 30 May 2011
Speaking at the Australian Hypnotherapist Association
This proved to be a really successful trip and rose awareness of the therapy to such an extent that we were even featured in the Australian press. You can read all about it in these clippings from the Melbourne Observer.
My visit was so successful that I've been asked to return and the following dates have been pencilled in:
8 / 9 October - Sydney
11 / 12 October - Adelaide
14 / 15 October - Perth
More information will follow in due course. I was also fortunate to have received the following video testimonial from The National President of the Australian Hypnotherapy Association, Antoine Matarasso:
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Virtual Gastric Band in Orlando, Florida
“It’s a viable alternative, especially for people who have not qualified for the surgery, or who have trepidation about the surgical procedure”, stated Carlin.
Contact: Marc Carlin, CH - (212) 223-1832
Monday, 16 May 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Workbook - launch date: May 23rd
More information to follow in due course .......
Thursday, 12 May 2011
Virtual Gastric Band - The Workbook
Whilst working with New York Hypnotist, Marc Carlin and delivering training around the globe, we decided to produce a work-book to make the “Virtual Gastric Band” accessible to anyone wanting to lose weight. It includes eight golden rules and gives practical examples of how to make the conscious changes required for weight loss and continual weight management.
I am passionate about this system and seeing the positive impact it has had on the lives of my clients, I am confident it can help alleviate the obesity epidemic on a global scale.
Published by Inception House Publishing and available from Amazon the first 50 copies are free. The price is £9.99 including P&P. The book should be published within the next week or so, so don't forget to check it out.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Train to be a Hypnotherapist
Monday, 11 April 2011
Do Men not recognise the risks of being overweight?
The majority of men on the other hand, appear are not to be as bothered about their weight as they maybe should should be. Neither are health services.
A significantly greater proportion of men are overweight or obese (66% of men compared with 57% of women).
The full article can be read here.
For information on how successful hypnotherapy can be as a weight loss alternative, please feel free to contact me.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Hypnotherapy Training Workshops - Australia - May 2011
As a guest of the Australian Hypnotherapists' Association, I'll be travelling to Australia in May to run some training workshops and speak about the success of my Virtual Gastric Band programme.
Dates are as follows:Brisbane - 7/8 May
Melbourne - 14/15 May
If you are interested in attending, please contact
Monday, 4 April 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Training
If so, please contact me or visit my website page on Gastric Band Alternatives - here is a short video from one of my courses:
Monday, 28 March 2011
Do you have (or know someone who has) a Bizarre Phobia?
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Guest Speaker at the Virtual Gastric Band Training seminar - New York 8 / 9 / 10 April 2011
This program is designed to make your hypnosis business the thriving business it is meant to be. And with 60% of the population in need of weight loss help, there will be plenty of people interested in helping you build your business while you help them reduce their waistlines. A great Win/Win training.
Private Hypnotherapy Weight Loss - New York - 7th & 11th April
Whilst visiting New York, I hope to also be available to see people on an individual basis who are interested in losing weight themselves using Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy.
If you have tried different weight loss techniques and found that diets just do not work, the Virtual Gastric Band will help you to stop dieting and begin to lose weight naturally and safely without putting restrictions on what you can and can't do. It will help you to eat more healthily and make you fitter, slimmer and much more confident in yourself.
For further information, contact
Here is a short video from a previous event:
Saturday, 19 March 2011
NHS Gastric Bypass
The article is very short, but it does include a photo of the after effects of a gastric band bypass operation ...... it's not a pretty sight, trust me.
Yet it just goes to show what people are prepared to go through in order to lose weight, especially after they have tried weight loss programmes and diets that have yielded poor results.
Maybe this is the reason that more and more people are turning to Hypnotherapy to achieve results without surgery or yo-yo dieting. At the end of the day, using a virtual weight loss hypnotherapy service is a viable alternative (without the pain) of having gastric band surgery.
As a hypnotist offering a gastric band surgery alternative I've seen the joy and freedom experienced by people who have struggled to maintain their preferred shape and size.
I'm currently looking at extending monitored trials which I know will demonstrate the effectiveness of my Virtual Gastric Band ..... watch this space .....
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Find an Easy Way to Stop Smoking / Quitsmoking
FREE Hypnotherapy Webinar to help you give up smoking
Sheila Granger, Clinical Hypnotherapist is conducting a live webinar on Wednesday 9th March for No Smoking Day. The webinar is suitable for anyone trying to quit but unable to break the habit on their own. Hypnotherapy has proven to be the solution for many nicotine addicts and could help you to kick the habit once and for all.
With a 95% success rate for hypnotherapy treatments, Sheila is very excited about conducting this event.
Registration for the event is FREE (with exception of the no-obligation donation to Cancer Research UK). Please register ASAP via email or visit the website to register. Please ensure that you will be available to logon live, Wednesday 9th March @ 7pm.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Ten Weight Loss Myths
It really hits home to me of the pain and struggle some people go through in order to get to the shape and size that they're really happy with and that's why I really do question whether diets work or not?
Anyway enjoy your read: Ten Weight Loss Myths
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Obesity Doubles
Not all people want to face the risks or trauma associated with surgery however, which is why Hypnotherapy, in particular the Virtual Gastric Band is becoming so popular. To find out more or simply sign up for free information, visit
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Do diets really work?
But let's face it, the truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people either fall by the wayside or simply end up putting the weight back on - that's why there are so many diets in existence! Here's an interesting article which goes some way to explaining why diets don't actually work.
That's why the Virtual Gastric Band has been developed - to help you lose weight ...... without dieting. More and more people are now seeing the benefits of hypnotherapy in assisting weight loss.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
UK Virtual Gastric Band Training - Hull / East Yorkshire - 12th/13th March
Thursday, 27 January 2011

Interesting article on phobias in todays Daily Mail.....
Spiders, snakes, claps of thunder — we can have phobias about anything.
But new research has revealed that while they often run in families, that’s not because we genetically inherit them, but because we learn them from our parents.
As a clinical practitioner who’s worked in the field for 20 years, I’m not at all surprised by the new research. We learn so much from our parents; why not our phobias, too?
But, actually, it’s more complicated than scientists from Rutgers University in New Jersey, who conducted the study, have suggested.
As a toddler, if your mother screamed the first time you proudly showed her the spider you’d just found, her behaviour certainly primed you to find spiders frightening, too.
Hypnotherapy for Happiness

It’s a recognized reality that happiness level won’t stay constant. It is a changeable and the issues that define a person’s happiness can change from individual to individual. Regularly thought happiness boosters like money, family, job etc actually play quite small role in making individuals happy. But in principle anybody and everyone could be delighted. Hypnotherapy is very helpful when you want to retrieve your happiness.
Lots of scientific tests have been carried out in this particular field. The science of happiness even now has some unanswered doubts but there have been several breakthroughs. Reaching a total happiness is the ultimate purpose of a person’s life. Apparent goals could be somewhat different but finally what we always seek is a good level of happiness.Read More
Hypnosis Can Assist Students in Exams

Over recent months I have been invited into various schools in the East Riding area to perform hypnosis on students either struggling with exams or to help alleviate stress. The sessions I carried out had incredible results so it is great to see that hypnosis for students is being recognised internationally. The following is an excerpt froman article in the Mayo Advertiser....
Many students who do not necessarily excel throughout the academic year suddenly seem to do well once it comes to exam time. At the same time, many exemplary students freeze when placed in an exam situation even though they would have no problem at all with the tasks set in a different environment.Read More
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Alternative Therapist Group...

Alternative Therapists,
Read about 'Meeting of the Minds' the new and unique networking group in the Hull Daily Mail today.
email for more information
Friday, 21 January 2011
Attention! Professional Hypnotherapists. Want more business in 2011?
Dear Colleague
Please accept my apologies for the intrusion in your time if this is not something your Hypnotherapy business needs at this time.
Let me introduce myself. I am a Hypnotherapist, just like you. I am based in a Doctors surgery in East Yorkshire. I currently see on average 35-50 clients per week for my weight control system that incorporates a Virtual Gastric Band. I have proved the system in trials and most recently delivered the system in the USA. My website details all the media attention that I have received because of this. My aim is to get the NHS to take this system on board so that more people benefit, not just those that can afford to see a Therapist. I am currently engaged in talks and further trials with medical practitioners to facilitate this.
This year I am scheduling just three training dates for other Hypnotherapists who may wish to use this system within their practice and learn how to attract more clients.
The training seminars are to be held on the following weekends:
Birmingham Village Hotel, Walsall Saturday 29th- Sunday 30th January
Manchester Village Hotel, Ashton Saturday 4th-Sunday 5th February
Edinburgh 12th-13th February (Venue TBA)
The training includes a manual on the Virtual Gastric Band programme, a ‘marketing yourself’ manual and certification; I will also do a ‘live’ demo with a real client. Places on the courses are strictly limited.
If you think this would be beneficial to your own business, or you would like to discuss my system further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kindest Regards
Sheila Granger
Tel 01482 863659
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Virtual Gastric Band Tackles Obesity Without Surgery

Weight loss surgery is the last resort for obese people, or those suffering with type II diabetes, to get their weight under control. But there are risks, complications and side effects to the surgery. A breed of hypnotherapeutic procedures collectively categorized as lap band hypnosis promise the benefits of surgery without the associated risks. Here’s how these procedures work and results seen so far.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade you’ve no doubt heard America has a serious obesity and type II diabetes problem. The rise in type II diabetes is linked to the rise in obesity. These conditions lead to significant health challenges for individuals and in an effort to cope and overcome these conditions people are turning more towards weight loss surgery.
Read more of Erika Slater's article
Hypnotherapy for Public Speaking Anxiety

In recent years, an increasing number of people overcome their fear of public speaking using hypnotherapy. While almost everyone feels a little nervous when they make speeches, many professionals suffer from a degree of fear of public speaking, she held back in their career. Hypnotherapy has been shown that effective treatment for this problem, even for people who have tried every other alternative medicines, without success. Take a look at some of the hypnotists most commonly used techniques of hypnotherapy to speak publicly for treating anxiety and why they are so effective in the treatment of this common problem.
Read more of Robin Smith's Article
Hypnotherapy for Drug Addictions

Hypnotherapy Addiction recovery is technique being use of late to help people overcome drug addiction and alcoholism. There are many support groups and rehab centers to help a person conquer the demons that drive them to abuse drugs and other substances. Hynotherapy addiction techniques are used to assist individuals with overcoming their addictions. Hypnotherapy can be used for a number of addictions such as gambling addiction, sex, drug addiction and substance addictions, overeating, and more.
Hypnotherapy basically encourages behavioral changes so that the person can enforce kicking their habit. Once a person can eliminate behaviors that lead them to addictions, then they can begin to make positive changes and kick their addictions. Addiction is a bad habit and hypnotherapy helps the person implement changes to break that habit.
Hypnotherapy for Post Traumatic Stress
Since July, a Washington State University doctoral student and an education professor have treated more than 30 adults with a form of hypnosis as part of a study to improve the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PTSD doesn't just affect soldiers. Witnesses to violence, survivors of life-threatening diseases and victims of abuse can have it, too. Many of the study participants underwent severe sexual abuse as children.
Prof. Arreed Barabasz said that while veterans of trauma survived the act -- be it watching a fellow soldier die in Afghanistan or enduring years of sexual abuse -- they will relive and survive it many times in their minds for years to come.
Read more... Relief from post-traumatic stress may be hours away
Hypnotherapy for Depression

You see, our subconscious mind is very vital to attracting and achieving success. Are you familiar with the Secret? the Secret states that to be able to attract positive vibes, you would have to have a very positive mind, or something like that. “But my mind is good enough!” you say. Your conscious mind, maybe. but what about your subconscious mind?
The subconscious mind is where all our emotions and thoughts are stored in. It’s called the “back burner.” When we get angry at somebody and we don’t want it to affect our work, we tend to put them in the back burner and, ultimately, forget about it. However, what we put in our subconscious mind stays in the subconscious mind unless we clear it ourselves.
Read the rest of How Depression Hypnotherapy can get you out of that funk.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
LATEST NEWS: Virtual Gastric Band Training: Las Vegas

The Virtual Gastric Band Training seminar is being held in Las Vegas January 21-23 2011 and I am pleased to announce that we are now down to our last few spaces.
Follow this link for more information and to reserve your space.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Sheila Granger on 96.9 Viking FM Today

Need to lose weight? Try hypnotherapy.
The Virtual Gastric Band is changing my life.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Happy New Year - New Year, New You

Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to you all. Thank you to all readers of the blog for your kind words and interest during 2010.
2011 has many great opportunities in store including;
Sheila Granger's Clinical Hypnotherapist Training Course 2011 (UK)
Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Training Course (UK)
Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Training Course (Las Vegas)
Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Training Course (Australia)
Please contact my office if you are interested in any of the above courses.
And if you want to set your new year off to a good start perhaps hypnotherapy can assist you in kicking those bad habits. I offer a huge range of incredibly successful services ranging from weight loss hypnotherapy (Virtual Gastric Band), Smoking Cessation, Nail Biting and more. Whatever your problem give me a call. I am sure Hypnotherapy can help create a new you for the New Year.
Tel: (01482) 863659