Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Hypnotherapy for facial tics

Hypnotherapy can be used as a treatment for almost anything including facial tics.

Hyp­no­sis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Pro­gram­ming) meth­ods have been devel­oped expressly for the pur­pose of deal­ing with facial tics. Since no invol­un­tary facial tics fixed in nature, these funds for the suf­fer­ing uncon­scious reac­tion to the onset of an episode of facial tics gri­mace as forms change or Hawk­ing. In most cases, the uncon­scious, the TIC can be done to pre­vent the occur­rence. In some extreme cases, vic­tims will be redi­rected in response to some innocu­ous part of the body as a toe instead of facial mus­cle con­trac­tions.

Click Here to read the full article posted on the Universal Drugs Medical Chat site.

If you suffer from facial tics then hypnosis could help. Please contact me for a free half-hour consultation.

Tel (01482) 863659